Doing Business With WHA
Wilmington Housing Authority has numerous business opportunities for providers of various products and services.
With sixteen communities consisting of mid-rise and high-rise apartment complexes located across Wilmington, WHA has ongoing needs for trusted partners to provide construction,
renovation, plumbing, electrical, security, pest control, refuse collection, and other maintenance services. Periodically, WHA also solicits third-party business services such as legal counsel
and accounting.

Becoming a Registered Vendor
to apply

Current Opportunities
Vendor Café is WHA’s interactive portal that enables vendors to interact quickly, easily, and securely with WHA on various business transactions – all online.
New and existing vendors will receive (or have received) an invitation to join Vendor Café. Once the vendor has completed the log-in process and has set up their
account, they will be able to:
- Check purchase order status
- Confirm that purchase orders are approved
- Upload invoices
- Determine date(s) of payment
Vendor Selection Process
Each time a solicitation is issued that is relevant to a registered vendor’s business, they will automatically receive an email announcement. Solicitations are of several types:
- Request for Proposals
- Request for Qualifications
- Invitations for Bids
- Invitations for Quotations
A pre-bid meeting is scheduled to review the solicitation’s details and specifications and to provide prospective vendors an opportunity for Q&A. The date, time and location of the meeting is included in the solicitation.
Following the pre-bid meeting, interested vendors have two additional weeks to prepare and submit their proposal, bid, or quote.
Bids are opened in a public setting, and the selection is made. Price and qualifications are the primary determinants of the winning bid.
Please note that WHA must have a minimum of 3 bids to proceed. If three are not received, WHA proceeds to a rebid. Projects of $50,000 or less are approved by the CEO. Those above $50,000 are approved by the Board of Commissioners.
Also note that some projects are governed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Section 3 which requires that federally funded projects provide training and employment to low- and very low-income persons, especially recipients of government assistance for housing.
Click here to learn more about Section 3: